Self Love September

Anyone else feel that September is the perfect month for a reset? With four months left to the end of the year and the seasons shift to Autumn, it feels like a good time to consider what I want to achieve with the rest of 2023.

I recently read (who am I kidding, I listened to it on Audible!) The Kindness Method by Shahroo Izadi. She’s a behavourial change specialist, who encourages to give ourselves a break and focus on strengthening willpower to maintain motivation over the longer term.

So instead of dwelling on what I haven’t ticked off my list, I am instead focussing on the healthy habits I want to embed in my everyday life. As I head to middle age and the inevitable peri-menopause, I want to make sure I am in the best possible shape for the next few years and hopefully, decades.

Adopting the self love approach has encouraged me to be more gentle with myself. Instead of setting an elaborate work out regime, I’m building more of the things I love doing. Cold Water Swimming, Walking in nature and Yoga. I’m investing in the habits I want to sustain, rather than forcing myself to do things I think I should do, or see others doing.

How would you adopt a Self Love September? What do you want to build more of into your life?

Liz Wright