We love the Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin so much . . .

We created a whole box based upon it! In our latest blog, we explain a little more about the book and why it made such an impression on us.

The Happiness Project: A Year-Long Quest for Joy

1. The Paradox of Happiness

Happiness often eludes us precisely because we chase it relentlessly. Gretchen Rubin proposes a refreshing perspective: instead of actively seeking happiness, we can open ourselves to life’s joyful moments. As Wordsworth once wrote, we might be “surprised by joy.” The key lies in embracing everyday experiences.

2. The Year-Long Experiment

Rubin embarks on a year-long “Happiness Project,” dedicating each month to a specific theme. Rather than a complete life overhaul, she focuses on incremental changes. Her adventure involves test-driving wisdom from history, science, culture, and common sense. The goal? To invite more happiness into her life.

3. Key Lessons from The Happiness Project

a. Fundamentals of Happiness

  • Vitality: Prioritize physical well-being. Exercise, sleep, and nourish your body. A healthy vessel enhances happiness.

  • Social Ties: Nurture relationships. Meaningful connections with family, friends, and community contribute significantly to our well-being.

  • Spirituality: Explore your spiritual side. Whether through meditation, prayer, or nature, connecting to something greater brings contentment.

b. Practical Steps

  • Month-by-Month Approach: Each month, Rubin tackles a specific area—organization, relationships, leisure, etc. By breaking it down, she avoids overwhelm.

  • Daily Habits: Happiness isn’t about grand gestures; it’s in the small, consistent actions. Cultivate habits that align with your values.

  • Mindfulness: Be present. Savor life’s simple pleasures—the warmth of sunlight, laughter, a good cup of tea.

c. The Invitation to Your Own Happiness Project

  • Unique Paths: Everyone’s journey is distinct. Rubin hopes her account inspires you to start your own Happiness Project.

  • Pragmatic Focus: Rather than philosophical debates on happiness, focus on practical steps. What can you do daily to create more joyful moments?

4. The Takeaway

Happiness isn’t elusive—it’s a series of intentional choices. Each of the items in this gift box has been curated based on the themes in the book. We will also include a hand written note in the box, perfect for you to send a thoughtful message along with your gift. Happiness resides in the ordinary, waiting to be noticed.

So, embrace the wisdom of The Happiness Project, and may your gift boxes radiate joy to those who receive them! 🌟🎁

Liz Wright