Creating moments of joy

Walter and May is all about creating moments of joy. When someone receives one of our boxes, we want to create that warm feeling, from the perfect label, a handwritten note with your message on, gorgeous contents and the beautiful packaging. It’s all about making someone smile.

Over the last few months, I’ve been considering how to pack more moments of joy into my life. For those of you who follow us on Instagram may have seen, we’ve recently moved house. Although we have only moved a few miles, it’s given me the opportunity to reset my routine. I wanted to life more mindfully and have been thinking about the small thin gs that give me joy. Here are a few areas I have been working on.

1.     Fresh flowers. I love having fresh flowers in the house and now have a couple of places where I regularly place fresh flowers. We have a larger garden at this house, and I have tried my hand at growing dahlias for the first time. I currently have some fresh blooms on my desk, cut from my own garden. And they bring me so much joy and satisfaction, that I’m definitely expanding my growing next year. So whether they are home grown or locally sourced, fresh flowers are definitely part of my everyday routine.

2.     Fresh air. After living in our old town for twenty years, we had several familiar walking routes. Now we are a bit more rural, it’s been great to explore where we live and try new walks. As we head into Autumn and Winter, I want to go for a walk everyday. In the winter, I can be quite housebound with work, but when I do make time to get outside in the daylight, I really enjoy it. So, on my daily moments of joy list, is the intention to get out on a walk every day.

3.     Fresh Veg. I recently signed up to Pot Gang, which is a lovely company who provide grow your own fruit, vegetables and herb boxes. They deliver everything you need direct to your door, including the compost. This summer I have enjoyed cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, spinach and spring onions. Nothing tastes quite as good as food direct from the garden. I also find myself increasingly drawn to watching Gardeners World, which perhaps says more about my age than anything else! If you want to check out Pot Gang, you can find some details here Gardening Subscription Boxes | POT GANG. Use the code for 20% off (it’s a long one, I know!) DISCOUNT000034986788753457376

4.     Fresh Coffee. Nothing beats a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, and my morning coffee helps create a moment of joy before the day gets into full swing. I’m making more an effort to savour the first cup of coffee in the quiet of the morning before the world kicks in. This helps start the day with a moment of joy, and sets the tone for the rest of the day.

For me, the simple pleasures in a slower pace of life are what are giving me moments of joy. They help to boost my mood, manage stress and contribute to my overall wellbeing.

What about you? What moments of joy do you appreciate in your life?

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